NoriCure® CCI is a UV-curing screen printing ink suitable for printing on PVC and PETG core films used in card production. NoriCure® CCI 093 Varnish offers excellent lamination properties and peel resistance on both uncoated and coated PVC films (e.g., Pentacard® CC-M278/01-51/8800-494-SB6-100 µm) at a temperature of 140°C (285°F).
Silver and gold color tones can be created by mixing NoriCure® CCI with suitable effect pigments or effect pigment mixtures. For effect inks and colored inks, the use of coated PVC films (e.g., Pentacard® CC-M278/01-51/8800-494-SB6-100 µm) is strongly recommended to achieve good lamination properties and high peel resistance.
UV inks and solvent-resistant emulsions should be used. Excellent results during long production times are obtained with Pröll Diazo-UV-Polymer Emulsion Norikop 10 HQ.
Squeegees with average hardness between 75° and 80° Shore can be used.
Auxiliary Products:
NoriCure® CCI is ready for printing. For special processing and application conditions, viscosity adjustment and reactivity enhancement auxiliaries are available upon request.
UV Curing:
For printing with 77-55 T mesh (195 threads/inch), the UV dose should be approximately 100 mJ/cm² (NoriCure® CCI 093) and 150 mJ/cm² (effect inks and colored inks). The required UV dose depends on the ink layer thickness, substrate type, and color, and should be adjusted according to these parameters for sufficient curing.
NoriCure® CCI must be processed under UV light protection. Unseen UV radiation from sunlight and artificial light sources (e.g., fluorescent lamps) should be prevented. Required equipment can be sourced from EncapSulite® International Inc., Rosenberg, Texas, or the EncapSulite European Office, Cologne, Germany. The following UV-blocking products are especially recommended:
Cleaning of Tools and Equipment:
UNI-REIN A III or UNI-CLEANER FP61 should be used.