Kopimask - Rotomask S

For flat textile printing, the blue emulsion is resistant to common solvents during the printing process, both mechanically and chemically.

Emulsion Sensitizing
The emulsion should be sensitized with the provided sensitizer. Wait for approximately 20 minutes for the emulsion to settle, which will help eliminate air bubbles. During the process, store the emulsion at a cool and dark place (20°C).

Stencil Preparation
The stencil should be free of dust, dirt, residues, and ghost (shadow) images. To obtain a good stencil, degrease both sides of the stencil using PREPAMASK or KAUSTIMASK S, and then rinse with water to clean any possible oil residues left on the stencil.

Coating Process
Depending on the type of silk, always start by applying 1 or 2 coatings on both sides of the stencil to close all the pores. Allow the emulsion to dry completely at 35°C. For maximum print quality and mechanical durability, we recommend finishing the process by using a wet-on-dry technique on the printing surface. This will help achieve the desired thickness and a smoother stencil. Repeat the drying and coating process whenever you need additional thickness.

Dry the stencil in a completely dark environment with a red light, in a horizontal position, with a slight airflow, in a humid environment at 30-40°C. Avoid prolonged exposure to white light. Temperature, humidity, and airflow will affect the drying time. Ensure the stencil is fully dry before exposure. This will provide high resistance to ink and ink removers. Drying the stencil at temperatures higher than recommended or using different conditions than specified may cause unsuitable results or different durability.

Expose the stencil to UV light with a wavelength of 350–400 nm. For the best results, use a halogen lamp. Since several factors influence the exposure time, a specific time cannot be provided. We recommend conducting a preliminary test.

Rinsing and Washing
The water should be between 20–26°C. Gently rinse both sides of the stencil. After 1-2 minutes of rinsing, continue washing with high-pressure water until the process is completed.

To increase durability, the exposure time should be 4-8 times longer than the original exposure time.

Drying (Chemical)
After the stencil is completely dry, apply FIXAPLAST to both surfaces using a sponge and allow it to dry for 2 hours at 40°C. This process can also be done for 24 hours at 22-25°C.

For solvent-based inks, retouch with BLOCOFIX.

Emulsion Removal
To remove the emulsion, use an emulsion remover like SCREEN STRIP or SERI CERO GEL/SERI CERO DRY. Before removing the emulsion, clean the ink using DISOLIX ECO or ink residue cleaners. For stencils treated with FIXAPLAST, use STARGEL 350 to dissolve.

Ghost/Shadow Removal
When ink residues or hardened emulsion leave ghost/shadow images, use STARGEL 350 to eliminate them.


Kopimask - Serimask S

Kopimask - Serimask S

Kopimask - Serimask G

Kopimask - Serimask G

Kopimask - Zoico Dual TC

Kopimask - Zoico Dual TC

Kopimask - Rotomask S

Kopimask - Rotomask S

Kopimask - Zoico Polymer ESR

Kopimask - Zoico Polymer ESR

Kopimask - Zoico Polymer Pro S

Kopimask - Zoico Polymer Pro S

Kopimask - Kopi Glasmat Pasta N⁰1

Kopimask - Kopi Glasmat Pasta N⁰1

Kopimask - Blocofix

Kopimask - Blocofix

CEM - Ghost Image Remover

CEM - Ghost Image Remover

CEM - Hardener (For Stencils)

CEM - Hardener (For Stencils)

Kopimask - Prepamask

Kopimask - Prepamask

Kopimask - Seri Cero Dry

Kopimask - Seri Cero Dry

Kopimask - Fixaplast

Kopimask - Fixaplast

Kopimask - Peko 200

Kopimask - Peko 200

Kopimask - Limpiafilm-Kopi

Kopimask - Limpiafilm-Kopi

Kopimask - Screen Strip 1:30

Kopimask - Screen Strip 1:30

Kopimask - Stargel 350

Kopimask - Stargel 350