Zhongyi - SNC Nylobag Ink

Ink System: SNC © High-Speed Waterproof Nylobag Ink

Category: Screen Printing

Application Surfaces: Waterproof nylon, woven fabric, garment bags, nylon-type plastics.

Final Products: Umbrellas, handbags, school bags, t-shirts, hats.

Product Characteristics: Glossy print, flexible, good coverage, adhesion, and environmentally friendly features.

Silk: Polyester silk in the range of 150-300T.

Squeegee: 65-85 shore.

Drying: Forced drying can be done below 100 degrees. At room temperature, the surface dries in 7-15 minutes, while full curing is achieved within 24 hours.

Thinners: 131/2 (slow), 080 Retarder (normal), Diluent (fast-drying) thinners are available.

Note: Please make test prints before starting the actual printing process.


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