Quimovil - Vinyl Aluminum Series

Ink System: Vinyl Aluminum

Category: Screen Printing Inks

Description: Vinyl aluminum ink has a wide range of applications. Aluminum surfaces and hydrocarbons should primarily undergo heat treatment to prevent corrosion. It is used for printing and varnishing metals.

Key Features: Glossy print, post-processing can be done at room temperature, in 40°C ovens, or in 150-200°C heaters. Standard colors, 4 process colors, and shades from the Quimovil color chart are available.

Silk: 60-140T.

Emulsion: Diazo, film emulsion.

Squeegee: 65-75 shore.

Thinners: Solvent SP (c.890031) for normal drying, Solvent SL (c.890021) for fast drying.

Note: It is recommended to conduct a test before printing.


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