Pröll - NoriPET Series

NoriPET® is a solvent-based, two-component screen printing ink, designed for use on polyester films in the IMD/FIM (In-Mold-Decoration/Film Insert Molding) process. It also offers the option of integrating membrane switch functions into an IMD/FIM part.

NoriPET® is optimized for use on suitable PET films and developed for the following properties:

  • Formability and flexibility
  • Temperature resistance in injection molding
  • Excellent adhesion between the printed film and injection resin (such as ABS) without the need for an additional adhesive

IMD/FIM Technology Printing Equipment

Tunnel Oven with final active cooling:

  • 3 heating zones, minimum 80°C (175 °F), with high air exchange rate
  • Active cooling adjustable down to 15°C (60°F)

Box Oven, adjustable up to 90°C (195°F)
Racks for individually placing printed sheets

Different suppliers of IMD/FIM parts may use different production equipment, requiring individual adjustments of process parameters. As a result, the production parameters for the same IMD/FIM parts at different suppliers may vary greatly to achieve the best results for each supplier.

PET Films: For example, Autoflex® EBG 180 L and Autotex® V 2001, and other plastic films based on preliminary tests.

Glossy. The gloss level may vary depending on the substrate structure.

The basic colors of NoriPET® are vibrant and can be used for color matching.

Color Tones

  • Basic Colors (Halogen-Free)
  • Basic Colors (Halogen-Containing)
  • Halogen-Free Special Colors

Effect Pigment Colors
Metallic, color-changing, pearlescent, fluorescent, and other colors are available upon request.
Note: The peel strength (adhesion) of silver and effect inks is lower compared to basic colors. Back-molding special effect colors can alter the direction of the pigment particles.

Mesh Number
Polyester mesh should be between 77-48 threads/cm to 150-31 threads/cm (195-48 threads/inch to 380-31 threads/inch). Stainless steel mesh can be used for special requirements.
For standard silver, the following mesh numbers are recommended:

  • NoriPET® 770 – 120-34 threads/cm (305-34 threads/inch) or thicker
  • NoriPET® 780 – 77-48 threads/cm (195-48 threads/inch) or thicker

Solvent-resistant emulsions should be used. For excellent results during long production times, Pröll Diazo-UV-Polymer Emulsion Norikop 10 HQ is used.

Auxiliary Products
All auxiliary products listed below are halogen-free (HF).

Thinner (Reducer):
Thinner F 003 (fast)
Thinner M 212 (medium)
Thinner S 403 (slow)


  • NORILIN® C is used to prevent static charge while printing metallic inks. Addition ratio: 0.5%

Foam Cutter

  • Defoamer 9319, may vary depending on the thinning percentage and processing speed. Addition ratio: 0.2% - 0.5%

Mold and Equipment Cleaning

  • Thinner M 212 or UNI-REIN A III

NoriPET® dries in a jet dryer by solvent evaporation. The chemical curing of printed films continues accumulated, without ventilation.

Drying Tips
For optimal results, drying should be done in a jet dryer after printing.
The drying speed can be increased by using the following methods:

  • High-temperature drying
  • Use of dryers with good air exchange to remove solvents

When using different sections in a jet dryer, the following recommendations can be made:

  • First zone: 80 °C (175 °F)
  • The last section, providing high air exchange, is used to cool the printed films to ambient temperature, preventing the films from blocking.

The drying result depends on various parameters such as the thinner ratio, the thickness of the ink film layer, and the efficiency of the dryer.

For maximum heat resistance and long-term adhesion of injection-molded parts, post-curing of NoriPET® is required. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that printed films be post-cured before molding. The best results are achieved by performing post-curing immediately after the jet drying process.
The highest efficiency is achieved by placing the printed films on drying racks after tunnel drying and putting them in a box oven with good air circulation and adequate air exchange.

Post-Curing Conditions:
80°C (175°F) for 0.5 hours.
The forming and injection molding steps should be done immediately after printing and post-curing.

The most important factors for adhesion and peel strength of injection-molded parts:

  • The amount of Hardener 001
  • Time gap between drying and molding
  • Post-curing conditions
  • Type and quality of the resin
  • Resin temperature
  • Film quality

To ensure good adhesion, it is recommended that NoriPET® be applied in at least 2 full covering layers. The first layer can consist of graphic motifs that nearly completely cover.


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