CEM - PVC Series

Ink System: CEM PVC

Category: Screen Printing Inks

Description: It is solvent-based, suitable for paper, PVC, wood, cardboard, leather, artificial leather, etc. it can be applied to surfaces.

Color options: In addition to standard colors, special colors, silver and gold gilt colors, there are also PANTONE and RAL color options.

Printing brightness: Bright

Thinners: CEM 080 Retardant, Extra Retardant, 131/2 Retardant.

Silk: Silks in the size range of 10-140 can be used.

Emulsion: Serimask G (Green), Serimask S (Purple), Zoico Dual Decal AR, Zoico Dual TC, Norikop 7S, Norikop 6GT, Norikop 2FP can be used together with emulsions.

Squeegee tire: 50x80, 50x9, 70-75 Shore squeegee can be used.

 Drying: Dries at normal room temperature.

Note: Please do not forget to make a good test printing before printing.


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