Pröll - Norilit U Series

Ink System: Norilit U

Category: Screen Printing and Pad Printing Ink

Description: This ink is suitable for use on metals, pre-treated polyester films, polyolefins, polycarbonates, and lacquered metals.

Printing Gloss: Glossy appearance.

Color Options: Basic colors, standard colors, opaque white, and black are available.

Thinner: For screen printing, Norilit 090 thinner, retardant K097, or retardant paste UZ4-P should be added at a ratio of 20%. For pad printing, Tampo Jet SK090 thinner (fast), Norilit U 090 (medium) thinner, and retardant paste UZ4-P (slow) should be added at a ratio of 30%.

Silk: Printing can be done with all types of silks and mesh counts.

Emulsion: Should be used with solvent-resistant emulsions.

Drying: It is a very slow-drying ink. For metals and lacquered metals, drying at 120-150°C for 15-20 minutes is recommended.

Varnish: Norilit 093 clear varnish is recommended.

Note: Please don't forget to perform test prints before starting the main production.


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