Ink System: Norifin PP N
Category: Screen Printing and Pad Printing Ink
Description: A physically drying, single-component solvent-based ink that provides printing ability on untreated polypropylene surfaces.
Adhesion to Surface: Depends on the quality of the polypropylene surface.
Printing Gloss: Provides a satin gloss.
Color Options: In addition to basic colors, standard colors and process color options are available.
Thinner: For screen printing, Norifin® PP N 090 is recommended; for pad printing, Tampo-Jet SK 090 is recommended.
Silk: Do not use silks below than 120T.
Emulsion: Solvent-resistant emulsions should be used.
Drying: It is a fast-drying ink, depending on the evaporation of the solvent.
Note: It is recommended to conduct test prints before production.